For children and young people that are struggling

within the school environment, an independent

practitioner can be invaluable.


Outreach Provision

For young people that are struggling within the school environment, it is often about thinking outside the box - particularly when there are persistent challenges, the usual strategies are not effective or internal staff resources are limited. 

In order to get things moving in the right direction it might just be a short intervention at school or home that is required.  It could take longer depending on what is behind the challenges being experienced. 

When my support is requested I initially liaise with school staff, parents or carers, and the student - whether at school or home - to consider the big picture and to see where and how I could provide support overall.   I will also liaise with outside agencies or services where necessary. 

Following the initial fact find, I will create a realistic plan of action consisting initially of working with the student (at school, home or online) in a pastoral capacity and to engage with learning, initially for 6 weeks.   Following this a review will take place to see how to continue forward.  It might be all that is required of me or my support might be requested further. 


I work with an open, honest, holistic approach. An approach which is trauma informed, considered when it comes to potential SEND concerns, and fair when it comes to communication between everyone.  I know when supporting vulnerable students how imperative it is to create a trusting and honest relationship; both with the young person and the adults involved in their care.   

When there have been ongoing challenges often there are unhelpful mechanisms that have come into play over time - from any one, or a number, of the people involved - and this requires recognition, open contact and sometimes mediation to resolve in order to work towards an effective outcome.

Academic Support  

For students                                                     For educators

~ individual or small group interventions                           ~ training on 'the dyslexia basics'

~ intensive one:one (high level difficulty)                           ~ multi-sensory teaching method

We all know, as educators, that strong literacy skills are fundamental to a young person's learning as they open the door to everything else.   Particularly reading - without an adequate reading ability, learning becomes extremely challenging and evidence shows just how detrimental that is to the overall wellbeing of the child, and for their future outcomes.   It is also often the source of disruptive behaviour or disengagement in the classroom.

I have many years of experience in teaching and supporting reading, writing and spelling to those with specific learning difficulties and dyslexia.  I have seen how, with the right support, improvements can be made.   If you have students that are not making sufficient progress, please get in touch to see how I could help you improve the reading skills for some of the lowest 20% within your school. 

For a struggling reader, whatever their age, individualised one to one intervention is best; particularly if they have a specific learning difficulty. However, small group intervention comes a very close second, and certainly better than nothing at all.


Flexible Support Work 

I'm pleased to take on short term part-time school work to assist when extra support is needed for:

~ individual support for a specific student (in or out of school)

~ literacy and english interventions

~ busy times of the academic year or staff cover